MNJTF Supports Farmers, As Force Commander Hands Over Agricultural Equipment to Borno Farmers

The Force Commander Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF), Maj Gen GU Chibuisi on Wednesday 17 May 2023, handed over some agricultural equipment to farmers in Kukawa, Baga, Borno state Nigeria which is part of Civil -Military Cooperation activities.

Chief Military Public Information Officer MNJTF, Lt Col Kamarudeen Adegoke said the FC who was represented by the Deputy Force Commander Brig Gen Assoualai Blama in his remarks commended the African Union (AU) for its unrelenting support geared towards addressing challenges of insecurities in the Lake Chad Basin region. 

He pointed out that the gesture was aimed at engaging the youths in activities that would be beneficial to them. He added that such activities will in turn strengthen the local economy of the communities in Lake Chad Basin region and enjoined the youths to shun activities that will jeopardize the peace and stability of the areas.

Meanwhile, earlier in his welcome address, the Commander 403 Amphibious Brigade Brig Gen OA Ajagbe thanked the MNJTF for providing the equipment which according to him will contribute to the growth and prosperity of the agricultural sector and boost food production in the area. 

He noted that agriculture plays a crucial role in the economy of the communities by engaging the youths which in turn keeps them away from evil vices such as terrorism and Insurgency. 

Gen Ajagbe extended his gratitude to the African Union in its commitment towards regional peace and security. He also acknowledged the support of Headquarters Sector 3 MNJTF as well as the entire Baga community for their cooperation.

In attendance at the event were the Head of AU- MST Mr Abdou Mahame, Chief J9 HQ MNJTF Col Idris Oke, Community head of Kukawa Lt Commander Kyati (Rtd), Chairman Kukawa Farmers Association Alhaji Ladan, staff of HQ MNJTF and AU-MST among others.

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