"With Additional Platforms and NAF Renew Vigour, We Assure Total Eradication of Insecurity in Nigeria" - Air Chief Affirms

"With these additional platforms and others being expected in the not distant future, as well as the renewed vigour of the Nigerian Air Force under my leadership, Nigerians can rest assured of our commitment to ensuring the total eradication of the myriads of security challenges facing our dear nation". 

The Chief Of The Air Staff, Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar gave this assurance today at the 2023 annual 10km Walk/Jog Exercise held at the NAF Valley in Abuja. 

The exercise which took place across all other NAF Bases and in Abuja kicked off from NAF Base, Asokoro Football Field to Defence Headquarters Roundabout, down to Keffi Road/Kugo Furniture And Pedestrian Bridge - Army Checkpoint Kugbo, and back to Base via the NAF Valley Second Gate. 

The Air Chief noted that the concerted efforts of the Nigerian Air Force alongside other security agencies have however ensured that NAF thwart all forms of criminality and reduce the criminals' freedom of movement to the barest minimum. 

"For the Nigerian Air Force, these are promising days as, through the commitment of the Federal Government, we have seen a total overhaul and enhancement of our ORBAT. 

"Indeed, a couple of weeks ago, we took delivery of 2 additional DA-62 surveillance aircraft and only 2 days ago, we also received 2 T-129 ATAK helicopters soon to be inducted into the inventory of the NAF."he said

While reminding personal of the numerous security challenges that is facing the country  ranging from terrorism, insurgency, banditry, kidnappings, farmers and harders clashes, and a host of other vices, the Chief of Air Staff  reassured all Nigerians that the Nigerian Air Force remains fully committed to the successful execution of its constitutional roles and will continue to meet its statutory responsibility of defending the territorial integrity of the Nation, whether acting singly or in unison with surface forces and other security agencies

He therefore thanked President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the Minister of Defence and the Honourable Minister of State for Defence for their continued support to the growth and development Nigerian Air Force. 

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