Knocks as Melaye expresses joy over failed marriage

Mr Dino Melaye
A former member of the House of Representatives, Mr. Dino Melaye, has come under heavy criticisms from Nigerians for expressing joy and relief over his alleged failed marriage.
The social media had in the last few days been awash with reports, as well as divorce papers and sundry petitions allegedly written by his wife, Tokunbo, seeking to end their 10-year-old union.
Tokunbo had in the petitions cited domestic violence as the cause of the frosty relationship between her and his husband.

But as some Nigerians reached out to the former lawmaker who represented Kabba/Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency of Kogi State in the lower chamber of the National Assembly, to hear his side of the story, he tweeted that he had “long awaited” the end of their union.
 Melaye who just signified interest to run for the senatorial seat of Kogi West District wrote on both Twitter and Facebook that he was “grateful to God” for making their separation a reality.
 “I am grateful to God that a turbulent phase in my life has finally come to a long awaited end,” Melaye, the Executive Secretary of the Anti-Corruption Network, wrote on his social media pages.
But Nigerians, especially, his social media followers, have expressed disappointment over the response of the politician turned activist, saying he was not laying a good example for the younger generation.
His social media followers argued that it was regrettable that a man who brandishes himself as a beacon of good governance could not put his nuclear family in order, but rather rejoice over a failed union.
According to them, the turn of events shows that Melaye needs to get some lessons on home management before coming out to clamour for a new Nigeria.
One of his Twitter followers, Emmanuel Umeh, said he was particularly irked by Melaye’s decision to take to social media to “celebrate” his failed union. Umeh noted that Nigeria needs selfless individuals who can manage their homes first before contemplating on becoming national leaders.
Umeh, in a series of tweets to Melaye, wrote, “Shut up, see this man that has not been able to manage his home, is here on Twitter talking. When you are able to fix your home, you can talk. The truth must be told. Go fix your home, shameless man. You make noise here on Twitter, yet you can’t put things right in your home.
“What got me angry is that he (Melaye) came to Twitter to celebrate the nonsense he did.  He must first do a clean job on himself, before he comes out again. If he tries it, we will shout him down. Indeed he is a shameless man. Nigeria is doomed not just because of bad governance but for fake activists like Melaye.”
Also echoing Umeh, one  Milan Kunle wrote on Melaye’s Facebook page that he should immediately initiate a fence mending  mission between himself and his now estranged wife.
Kunle noted that a divorce could cost the ex-lawmaker his electoral value adding that he would not vote for a man who doesn’t have a settled home.
 According to him, the way and manner Melaye manages the affairs of his family will go a long way in determining how he will manage the people.
He observed that Melaye’s family record will be a determining factor for his success at the polls come 2015.
“For the sake of your children, reconcile with your wife and apologise. Set a good example and don’t divorce. Remember, a man that is not loyal to his wife will not be loyal to the Republic of Nigeria. Charity they say begins at home.
“We will not vote for a man that cannot control his own family to rule Kogi West Senatorial District. Never!” Kunle said.
Another Facebook fan of Melaye, Chuma Okoronkwo, said he reached the conclusion that Melaye should make necessary amends and unite with his wife, after seeing  his family picture  showing him, his wife and their four children online.
Okoronkwo stated, “Just saw your family picture. Nice family. There must be a way out. You are the man. Take the initiative. Don’t let this happen. Put the children into proper perspective and sleep over it bros. They are too beautiful for this rubbish you and your wife want to put them through.”
When Melaye tweeted that he “dares President Goodluck Jonathan to charge All Progressives Congress leaders with treason” in response to the Presidency’s threat, one Dollar Akinsola replied him, saying, “I dare you too, to build a successful home.”  Akinsola added, “Yea, nobody is holy and perfect, but  it shouldn’t be Dino Melaye that will be forming saint on Twitter.”


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