Is Pink Himalayan Salt Better Than Regular Salt?


Pink Himalayan Salt available

Pink Himalayan salt is a type of salt that’s naturally pink in color and mined near the Himalayas in Pakistan. It’s loaded with 84 minerals and provides incredible health benefits.

Some of pink Himalayan salt’s commonly promoted health claims include that it can:

Improve respiratory diseases

Balance your body’s pH

Reduce signs of aging

Improve sleep quality

Regulate blood sugar

Increase libido

For these reasons, pink Himalayan salt is often thought to be much healthier than regular table salt.

However, little research on pink Himalayan salt exists, and other people insist that these extravagant health claims are nothing more than speculation.

This article looks at the key differences between pink Himalayan salt and regular salt and evaluates the evidence to decide which type of salt is healthier.

Pink Himalayan Salt Contains More Minerals

Both table salt and pink Himalayan salt consist mostly of sodium chloride, but pink Himalayan salt has up to 84 other minerals and trace elements.

These include common minerals like potassium and calcium, as well as lesser-known minerals like strontium and molybdenum

One study analyzed the mineral contents of various types of salts, including pink Himalayan salt and regular table salt.

Below is a comparison of well-known minerals found in a gram of the two salts:

As you can see, table salt may have more sodium, but pink Himalayan salt contains more calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.

Nevertheless, the amounts of these minerals in pink Himalayan salt are very, very small.

They are found in such small quantities that it would take 3.7 pounds (1.7 kg) of pink Himalayan salt to obtain the recommended daily amount of potassium, for instance. Needless to say, that’s an unrealistic amount of salt to consume.

For the most part, the extra minerals in pink Himalayan salt are found in such small quantities that they are unlikely to provide you with any health benefits whatsoever.

Are the Health Claims True?

Despite the fact that pink Himalayan salt only contains tiny amounts of additional minerals, many people still claim that it can provide a number of health benefits.

The truth is, most of these claims do not have any research to support them.

Some of pink Himalayan salt’s commonly promoted health claims include that it can:

Improve respiratory diseases

Balance your body’s pH

Reduce signs of aging

Improve sleep quality

Regulate blood sugar

Increase libido

Some of the claims related to the non-dietary uses of pink Himalayan salt may be loosely based on research.

The use of salt caves as a treatment for various lung diseases has been evaluated in a few studies. The results suggest that there could be some benefit, but overall, more rigorous research is needed to investigate their effectiveness.

On the other hand, some of these health claims are actually just normal functions of sodium chloride in the body, so you’ll get these benefits from any kind of salt.

For example, researchers have found that very low-salt diets may contribute to sleeping problems

This suggests that an adequate amount of salt may be necessary for quality sleep. However, the study did not examine pink Himalayan salt and it is likely a function of the sodium chloride in any salt.

Also, the minerals in pink Himalayan salt are not present in large enough quantities to have any effect on balancing the body’s pH. Your lungs and kidneys tightly regulate your body’s pH without the help of pink Himalayan salt.

Furthermore, blood sugar levels, aging and libido are all primarily controlled by factors other than the salt in your diet, and there are simply no scientific studies to suggest eating pink Himalayan salt can benefit any of these aspects of your health.

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