A former officer, ACP Chike Oti who served as spokesperson of the Lagos State Police Command during the era of Imohimi Edgal as the Police boss is presently battling a life-threatening kidney failure, has appealed to Nigerians for financial assistance of N25 million to undergo a kidney transplant.
ACP Oti, in a statement made available to SpyeTV News on Thursday in Abuja, said he was recently diagnosed with fifth stage renal failure.
The statement reads:
Good morning my dear brothers and sisters in the house. My name is ACP Chike Godwin Oti. Recently transferred as AC' DFA, Railway Police Command, Ebutte meta, Lagos.
I wish to inform you that I was recently diagnosed with 5th stage renal failure also known as end stage renal disease (kidney failure) occasioned by unmitigated high blood pressure at Lagoon hospital, Bourdillion street, Ikoyi, Lagos. It was recommended that my only chance to stay alive is that I must undergo haemodialysis twice a week until I am able to raise the sum of N25,000,000.00 (25 millon Naira) for kidney transplant. On my own I have spent about N3.5 million for the one week I spent at the aforementioned hospital. The cost of keeping alive is way beyond my means right now. I therefore seek your help dear brothers and sisters to surmount this terrible illness.
Acct no: 2016631487
GSM NO: 07065246927
Thanks and remain blessed