'Air Power Is An Indispensable Component of Modern Warfare' - TC, Maj. General Shaibu

The Theatre Commander Joint Task Force (JTF) North East (NE) Operation HADIN KAI (OPHK), Maj Gen W Shaibu, has described air power as an indispensable component of modern warfare.

He made the assertion, when the Air Officer Commanding (AOC) Tactical Air Command (TAC) Air Vice Marshal (AVM) FO Edosa paid him a courtesy visit at Headquarters Theatre Command, Maimalari Cantonment Maiduguri, today 8 April 2024.

Captain Beuben Kovangiya, Joint Task Force (JTF) North East (NE) Operation HADIN KAI spokesperson, noted that Gen Shaibu who acknowledged the successes recorded in the ongoing onslaught against the remnants of terrorists in the theatre of operations, attributed it to the tremendous support of the air component. 

He noted that the feat achieved was a testament to  collaboration and called for continued support to enhance operational effectiveness and success. He said if sustained, it would deny the terrorists the ability to bring fire to bear, as well as deny them freedom of action.

Speaking further, Gen Waidi said the Air Component of OPHK had conducted intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance, as well as air strikes in the terrorists' enclaves across the theatre, a development which he said had degraded and weakened their capabilities. 

He thanked the AOC for the visit, assuring him of more synergy with the air component. He added that his (AOC) visit to the Theatre, was a boost to the operations knowing what the Theatre stood to benefit.

Stating his purpose of visit earlier,  the AOC  AVM FO Edosa said he was in Maiduguri on an operational visit to the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) formations to assess their level of readiness in support of the joint efforts of OPHK and to see how personnel of the NAF were fearing. 

While emphasising the significance of jointness in operations, AVM Edosa said "We must pursue jointness if we must achieve operational end state". He added that the sum of the whole was greater than individual efforts. 

AVM Edosa who congratulated the Theatre Commander for his appointment and thanked him for the reception, assured him of the air component's continued support and collaboration towards the success of the operation. He equally pledged to resolve the areas of challenges presented by the Theatre Commander. 


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