The Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanual Ogalla has acknowledged the gallant troops, for their immense sacrifice, dedication, steadfastness and loyalty in defence of the nation.
The Naval Chief in a video message today, 25th December 2023 congratulated troops for making it this far into the year and for weathering every storm that came their way.
"Let me on behalf of officers, Ratings and civilian Staff of the Nigerian Navy acknowledge you, our gallant troops, for your immense sacrifice, dedication, steadfastness and loyalty in defence of our fatherland.
"I greet your beloved families for their patience, perseverance and unwavering support to you. Your service to our country is paramount to the general well-being and security of Nigeria and indeed the entire citizens.
"Let me assure you that the Nigerian Navy is committed to your welfare and the continuous provision and necessary materials and logistics for the successful execution of your assigned tasks.
"Know that the nation is strongly behind you and above all, the Almighty God is your helper. Once again. I wish you Fairwinds Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year ahead Nigerian Navy. Onward together.