"Terrorists Risk Annihilation if They Fail to Drop Arms" - Military Confirms Neutralisation of 814 Terrorists, Deny Oil Thieves of N4billion within 3Months


The Nigerian Military troops in the third quarter of the year 2023 neutralised a total number of 814 Boko Haram/ISWAP Terrorists, IPOB, arrested 1,326 Suspected criminal, and bandits, apprehended 42 kidnappers, 231 terrorists collaborators, 33 armed robbers, 80 cattle Rustlers, intercepts 456 arms and amminuitions while 721 abducted victims were rescued as well denied oil theft a total sum of four billion naira (N4billion) during various operational activities in 6 geopolitical zones in the country.

Major General Edward Buba, Director, Defence Media Operation disclosed this today, Thursday 7 Sepetember 2023 at the maiden edition of quarterly press conference held at the Defence Headquarters in Abuja.

General Buba noted that the armed forces of Nigeria will continue to apply strong military pressure on groups undermining the national security of the country. He said it is clear that, the terrorist and their cohorts cannot win in the face of ongoing military pressure against them. 

"Accordingly, the terrorists and their cohorts are encouraged to drop their arms and rejoin society to provide a better life for themselves and their children. They risk annihilation if they fail to do so.

"Nigerians need to know that, we are in this together. The military is with you. The military will work tirelessly to ensure your safety and security. Importantly, the trust and cooperation from supportive groups being witnessed today is unprecedented. The inputs from these groups is making a difference in our operations. Citizens are encouraged to Know Something, Say Something and we will do something about it." he reformed.

Major General Buba added that the kinetic and non-kinetic operations conducted by military troops in conjunction with other security agencies resulted to about 4,560 terrorist and their families surrendered to troops.

He said Troops with 3 months recovered a total number of 501 weapons, 3,577 livestock, 3,269 assorted kinds of ammunition and 674 other equipment. 

The breakdown of these arms and ammunition is as follows; 117 AK47 rifle, one AK49 rifle, 5 revolver, 28 fabricated rifles, 11 fabricated pistols, 57 dane guns, 23 pistols, 24 pump action guns, 3 FN rifles, 3 GPMGs, one double barrel gun, one barreta pistol, one G3 rifle, 2 HK21 rifles one IED, 123 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 2,008 rounds of 7.62mm special, 30 rounds of 7.62mm x 39mm, 512 rounds of 7.62mm x 54mm, 190 rounds of 5.5mm, 39 rounds of 9mm, 29 rounds of PKM, and 19 cartridges.

Major General Edward Buba stressed that troops equally recovered: one RPG tube, 3 hand grenades, one locally made hand grenade, one locally made bomb, 2 rifle butts, one AK47 barrel, one GMPG barrel, 2 MG links, 98 AK47 magazines, 2 G3 magazines, 2 FN magazines, 2 PKT magazines, 2 LMG magazines, 2 tear gas launchers, one bullet proof vest, 49 vehicles, 213 motorcycles, 48 bicycles, 69 mobile phones, 5 boafeng radios, 4 woodland camouflages, 2 boots, 74 knives, 71 handsets, 11 laptops, 13 steering rods and pumps, 45 machetes and 25 jack knives.

Furthermore, troops recovered 213 motorcycle, 69 mobile phones, one bicycle, 10 machete and a pair of camouflage. Troops operations in South South geopolitical zone resulted in the arrest of the following; 6,652,250 litres of stolen crude oil, 3,558,325 litres of illegally refined AGO, 288,650 litres of DPK and 65,600 PMS. All amounting to an estimated sum of N4 billion denied to the oil thieves.

SpyeTV News reports that the ongoing counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations across the country remain critical to the armed forces' efforts to achieve peace and ensure that violent extremist groups do not find safe haven in the country. 

Below is the detailed report on quarterly review of joint task force operational activities from June - August 2023


1. Neutralized Terrorists 240

2. Surrendered BHT/Families 4,560

3. Arrested Terrorists 276

4. Rescued Hostages -147

5. Recovered Weapons - 169

6. Recovered Ammunition 1,195

7. Equipment Recovered - 119

8. Livestock Recovered - 158


2. In there course of operations, troops of Operation HADIN KAI neutralized 240 terrorists, arrested 276 terrorists and collaborators, and rescued 147 kidnapped hostages. Additionally, a total of 4,560 combatant fighters with their families surrendered to troops.

3. Troops also recovered 169 assorted weapons, 1,195 assorted ammunitions and 199 other equipment. Breakdown as follows: 57 AK47 rifles, one GPMG, 2 HK21 rifles, one FN rifle, one G3 rifle, one pistol, 22 dane guns, one double barrel, 73 AK47 magazines, 3 hand grenades, 2 LMG magazines, one RPG tube, 2 tear gas launchers, 674 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 500 rounds of 7.62mm x 54mm, 20 PKM rounds, one cartridge, 2 vehicles, 29 motorcycles, 47 bicycles, 18 mobile phones, 13 steering rod and pumps, 5 gear boxes and 4 boafeng radios and 158 livestock.


1. Neutralized Terrorists 188

2. Arrested Suspects 477

3. Rescued Hostages 76

4. Weapons Recovered 82

5. Ammunitions Recovered 760

6. Livestock Recovered 1,722


5. In the course operations, troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN neutralized 94 terrorists, arrested 477 suspects and rescued 76 kidnaped hostages.

6. Troops also, recovered 82 assorted weapons and 760 assorted ammunitions. Breakdown as follows: 20 AK47 rifles, 5 revolvers, 27 fabricated rifles, 6 fabricated pistols, 13 dane guns, 5 pistols, 2 pump actions, 6 Ak47 magazines, 523 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 190 rounds of 5.5mm ammo, 31 rounds 9mm ammo, 18 cartridges and 1,722 livestock.


1. Neutralized Terrorists 83

2. Arrested terrorists 104

3. Rescued Hostages  18

4. Weapons Recovered 37

5. Ammunition recovered  68

6. Equipment Recovered 127


8. In the course of operations, troops of Operation WHIRL STROKE neutralized 83 terrorists, arrested 104 suspects and rescued 18 kidnapped hostages.

9. Also, troops recovered 37 weapons, 68 assorted ammunitions and 127 items. Breakdown as follows: 2 AK47 rifles, one FN rifle, 5 locally fabricated pistols, 2 dane guns, one pistols, 15 AK47 magazines, 2 G3 magazines, 2 FN magazines, one GPMG barrel, one Ak47 barrels, 3 rifle butts and one locally fabricated bullet.

10. In addition, troops recovered 4 woodland camouflage, 15 motorcycles, 9 mobile phones, 6 vehicles, 5 cutlasses, 2 pairs of black boots, one fragmental jackets, one generator set, 3 knives, 2 machetes and one saw and metal.


11. Details are as follows;

1. Neutralized Terrorists 248

2. Arrested Terrorists 116

3. Rescued Hostages 359

4. Weapon Recovered 99

5. Ammunition Recovered 926

6. Equipment Recovered 160

7. Livestock Recovered 1,697


12. In the course of operation, troops of Operation HADARIN DAJI neutralized 248 terrorists, arrested 116 suspected terrorists and rescued 359 kidnapped hostages.

13 Troops also recovered a total of 67 assorted weapons, 926 assorted ammunitions and 160 others criminating items. Breakdown as follows: 31 AK47 rifles, 10 dane guns, 2 GPMG, one FN rifle, one berretta pistol, one pump action gun, 2 PKT gun, one fabricated AK47 rifle.

14. In addition, troops recovered 743 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 123 rounds of 7.62mm NATO ammo, 30 rounds of 7.62mm x 39mm ammo, 12 rounds of 7.62mm x 54mm ammo, 8 rounds of 9mm ammo, 9 rounds of PKT, 188 motorcycles, 42 mobile phones and 1,697 rustled livestock.


1. Neutralized Terrorists 69

2. Arrested Terrorists 191

3. Rescued Hostages 12

4. Weapons recovered 51

5. Boats destroyed 249

6. Barges/vessels destroyed 3

7. Camps destroyed 13

8. Pumping machines 28

9. Vehicles 71


16. In the course of operations, troops of Operation DELTA SAFE neutralized 69 combatants, arrested 191 oil theft collaborators and rescued 12 kidnapped hostages. Troops prevented oil theft of 6,652,250 litres of crude oil, 3,558,325 illegally refined AGO, 188,650 PK and 65,600 litres of PMS.

17. Troops discovered and destroyed 249 boats, 28 pumping machines, and 3 vessels. Troops also recovered a total ofc 51 assorted weapons,


1. Neutralized Terrorists 80

2. Arrested Terrorists  162

3. Rescued Hostages 109

4. Weapons Recovered 63

5. Ammunitions Recovered 320

6. Equipment Recovered 166


19. In the course of operations, troops of Operation UDO KA neutralized 80 combatants, arrested 162 IPOB/ESN criminals and rescued 109 kidnapped hostages.

20. Troops also recovered 63 assorted weapons, 320 assorted ammunitions and 166 other incriminating items. Breakdown as follows: 7 AK47 rifles, 21 pump action guns, 16 pistols, one locally made hand grenade, one locally made bomb, 4 AK47 magazines, 2 MG links, one IED, 266 cartridges, 54 rounds of 7.62mm special, 41 vehicles, 51 motorcycles, one bicycle, 71 handsets, one boafeng radio and 11 laptops.

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