"Criminal Syndicates Fueling Crisis in Plateau" - Commander Operation Safe Haven Meets with Traditional Rulers, Community Leaders

In a stakeholders meeting with traditional rulers and community leaders from 13 Districts in Barikin Ladi, Riyom and Jos South Local Government Areas of Plateau state,  the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 3 Division and Commander  Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH), Major General AE Abubakar  has highlighted the alarming influence of criminal syndicates in perpetuating the crisis on the Plateau. 

He Urged for collective action to consolidate peace in the State by underscoring the need for collaboration between all stakeholders to flush out the criminal elements living among the people.

The GOC/Commander OPSH during at the meeting held in Headquarter 3 Division Jos, emphasized the detrimental impact of criminal syndicates on the stability and security of the region.

He said activities of criminal groups such as arms trafficking, armed robbery, cattle rustling and cattle poisoning, drug smuggling as well as willful farm destruction and  organized crime, continue to exploit tensions and exacerbate the crisis.

The Commander expressed concern over the far-reaching implications of these criminal networks, including the loss of lives, destruction of property, and displacement of innocent citizens as a result of reprisal attacks eliminating from activities of the criminal elements.

He noted that the criminals cut across the ethno-religious groups which he described as organised syndicates. The GOC further revealed the significance of collaboration to addressing these issues to ensure lasting peace and development in Plateau State.

Recognizing the importance of a united front, the Commander called for cooperation among traditional rulers, community leaders, security agencies, and government institutions. 

He noted the convergence existing among the criminals resulting from poor parenting and strong traditional institutions to checkmate activities of the youth. 

He urged all to work together to disrupt the activities of the criminal syndicates, share intelligence, and support law enforcement efforts towards sustainable peace and security of the people. 

" We cannot allow few criminals committing nefarious activities for their selfish interest to disrupt the relative peace of the society" he averred. 

The Commander appealed to the citizens to  report suspicious activities and provide information that could aid in the identification and apprehension of those involved in criminal syndicates. 

He remarked that,  more than 60 suspects have been arrested,  many neutralized as well as dangerous weapons and cache of ammunition recovered  in the last one month of sting operations launched by troops of OPSH in collaboration with local security network.

The stakeholders meeting concluded with a renewed commitment from all participants to intensify efforts in combatting the criminal elements responsible for perpetuating violence in the state. 

The Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN expressed optimism that through collective action and coordination, Plateau State will emerge stronger, enjoying sustained peace, and paving the way for progress and prosperity.

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