Niger Coup: ECOWAS Defence Chiefs Adopt Democratic Principles, Diplomacy, Rule of Law

The extraordinary meeting of ECOWAS Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) on the Political situation in the Republic of Niger concluded on Friday, 4th August, 2023 in Abuja, Nigeria with a conclusion to emphasize on the importance of upholding democratic principles and the rule of law.

Presiding over the extraordinary meeting, the Nigeria's Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Gwabin Musa said their discussions have yielded valuable insights and actionable recommendations. The members of the committee have acknowledged the need for a comprehensive approach that encompasses political, security, and diplomatic dimensions.

"It is imperative that we translate our deliberations into concrete actions that can effectively address crisis and prevent a recurrence in the future. The coup in the Niger Republic represents a blatant disregard for these fundamental principles that underpin our regional integration and stability. We must unequivocally condemn such actions and demonstrate our unwavering commitment to democracy." he noted.

He added that the ECOWAS CDS must strengthen regional security architecture and enhance collective response to security challenges. "The coup in the Niger Republic has highlighted the fragility of our region and the need for a robust and proactive security framework. We must enhance intelligence sharing, joint training exercises, and capacity-building initiatives among our defense and security forces to effectively combat threats to our collective security and enhance interoperability." he stressed.

He also stressed that they must intensify diplomatic efforts to engage with all relevant stakeholders. Dialogue and negotiation should be at the forefront of approach in resolving the crisis in Republic of Niger. "We must engage with the transitional authorities, civil society oorganisations and other key actors to foster an inclusive and peaceful transition process.

General Musa therefore called upon each member state to take ownership of the agreed-upon measures and work diligently to implement them towards finding solutions to the situation in the Republic of Niger.

"We must also strengthen our coordination mechanisms within the ECOWAS framework. The ECOWAS Committee of Chiefs of Defense Staff should continue to serve as a platform for regular engagement, information sharing, and joint planning. We must leverage our collective expertise and resources to address emerging security challenges promptly.

"Let us remember that the success of this meeting will not be entire ECOWAS region can progress on the path of democracy, peace, and stability. I urge all to prioritize the implementation of the recommendations that have been put forth during our deliberations. This requires a concerted effort and a sense of urgency.

"We must measured by the words spoken here today, but by the actions we take tomorrow and, in the days, to come. Let us seize this opportunity to make ating impact and ensure that the Niger Republic and theallocate the necessary resources, engage relevant stakeholders, and monitor progress to ensure that our decisions have a tangible impact on the ground.

Dignitaries at the extraordinary meeting of ECOWAS CDS were the Honourable Minister of Defence, Federal Republic of Nigeria ably represented by the Permanent Secretary, Dr Ibrahim Kana, ECOWAS Chiefs of Defence Staff, Commissioner for Political Affairs and Regional Security, Dr Abdel Fatah Musah, the Chief of Staff ECOWAS Standby Force-Brig Gen Muktar Diop and Directors from Defence Headquarter Nigeria. 

- SpyeTV News

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