We have Upscaled Training, Military Exercises to Curb Insecurity - General Ali

The General Officer Commanding (GOC) 3 Division Nigerian Army (NA) and Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH), Maj Gen Ibrahim Ali has today 5 September 2022 said, Nigeria is currently bedevilled by myriads of security challenges to which the armed forces have continued to upscale its training and military exercises to curb the menace.

Acting Deputy Director Army Public Relations 3 Division, Major Ishaku Takwa made this known in a statement on Monday as the GOC declared open the 3 Division Inter Brigade Combat Proficiency Competition 2022 with a call on officers of the Nigerian Army to constantly train and update themselves on current security challenges. 

Speaking at the event, the GOC revealed that, training is a cardinal pillar of the COAS vision, which is to have “ A Professional Nigerian Army Ready to Accomplish Assigned Mission within a Joint Environment in Defense of Nigeria”.

General Ali revealed that training is the bedrock of military sucesses. He said, the competition is aimed at sharpening the skills and competencies of subalterns of the Nigerian Army in line with the COAS Training Directive for the Year 2022.

He averred competitions such as Combat Proficiency is organised to develop the spirit of healthy competition, cooperation and teamwork needed in the accomplishment of military tasks in the field. He, urged the participants to put in more efforts as outstanding performance will be rewarded.

Ealier in his welcome remarks, the Commander 3 Division Garrison, Brigadier General Micheal Agi thanked the GOC for encouraging healthy competition among officers of the Division. He urged the participants to make good use of the week-long competition to develop new combat skills and modern warfare techniques.

The opening ceremony was attended by traditional rulers, heads of security agencies and principal staff officers from Headquarters 3 Division.

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