10 Ways to Have a Happier, More Fulfilling Day, EVERYDAY

Each day we wake up with the expectation of either a great day or another day filled with the same as the day before. Which vision do you have? If you are waking up each day and dreading what the day will bring, there needs to be some different actions and thoughts!

If nothing changes – nothing changes!

Do you want to start changing the way your days progress, want much more happiness despite what happens and want to be EXCITED to wake up each morning?

Follow this simple plan and see the amazing changes that will occur!

1. Wake up to something inspirational every day.
Have a piece of music ready to listen to on your ipod, a poem, a book, your gratitude journal, a beautiful picture.  Anything that puts you in a loving, warm state of being. 10 to 30 minutes would be great!

2. Breakfast is important
A healthy breakfast is vital for sustained energy throughout the day.  Our lives can get frantic during the day and you may not get time to eat when you are hungry later throughout the day. Your health is vital for producing great work, long hours and happy thoughts!

3. Get to your workplace/home office early before everyone else
Arriving at work before everyone else allows you to do any small things without being disturbed. Sit and have a tea/coffee without being interrupted and basically assess anything that needs to be done while you have a clear mind. If you work from home or are at home all day being a mother, having the house to yourself first thing in the morning will help you to get clear and relaxed before the silence is broken! Being organised before the madness makes a huge difference to your day!

4. Create a peaceful, happy atmosphere in your workplace or home
A beautiful, calm atmosphere can be created easily in your home or workplace. This will help you, your fellow workmates and your family to have the best experience while there that day. Put on relaxing or uplifting music (depending on who is listening) and basically set the mood that you want to have.

5. Monitor your thoughts and words.
What you say and think throughout the day are key to having a better, happy day. Only say joyful, positive statements and monitor your thoughts so they are in alignment with your inner peace and joy. Don’t allow anyone else’s thoughts to bring you down or create negativity. If you need to, get by yourself for a few minutes after a negative experience and think about someone you love in your life. This should get your thoughts back to a good place.

6. Value yourself and have a break during the day.
YOU ARE IMPORTANT! If you don’t look after yourself and have a break, you will be less effective in your business and at home. If you are not hungry then at least have a stretch, short walk or sit in the sun! Recharge and energise to get you through the rest of the day with ease and joy.

7. Tidy up before you leave at night
By spending 20 – 30 minutes at the end of each day to tidy up and get ready for the next day you will set yourself up to a better start the next morning. By walking into a lovely, clean, ready to work environment, your state of happiness will remain and carry through during the entire day.

8. Spend quality time with your family/partner/children
It is so important to have quality time with your loved ones at home. Your business, while it may consume a lot of your time, energy and thoughts, is never as important as your family and friends. When you get home-be home in body and mind. Forget about work for a while and concentrate on family. When they have gone to bed, you can get your mind back onto work related topics.

9. Go to bed 1/2 hour earlier than normal and read something educational
Your continuing education and personal development are crucial for a happy life. Happiness comes from within so by studying how to become better from the inside, life will work a lot better and easier for you each day.

10. Write down 5 things you are grateful for today.
At the end of each day, just before you do to sleep, write down 5 things that you are grateful for in your gratitude journal. If you have a partner you could discuss it together instead of writing it. You could also include your children in this when sitting at the table they all have to say what they are grateful for that day. It is a lovely and powerful way to end the day and it puts your thoughts in a good place before sleep, which in turn helps you to wake up with these good thoughts or better! Pye

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