'Release the Hostages' - Kalthum Foundation For Peace Appeals to Terrorists To Cease-Fire and Embrace Peace

Sequel to the recent distressing surge in school abductions across Northern Nigeria as criminal elements exploit vulnerable schools, IDPs, and the vulnerable in remote areas, in states like Kaduna, Zamfara, Sokoto, and Borno, the Kalthum Foundation for Peace has appealed to the various armed groups terrorizing Nigeria to cease-fire and embrace peace, particularly in the spirit of the holy month of Ramadan. 

This, according to the foundation is the time to introspect ourselves and draw closer to Allah in piety and prayer. Violence and bloodletting must be eschewed. Let us prioritize reconciliation and harmony for the greater good of all.

President, Kalthum Foundation for Peace, Amb. Ummu Kalthum disclosed this today at the World Press Congress on the "Rising Insecurity, Kidnapping, School Abductions and Other SUNDRY issues in Nigeria which took place at the Foundation Secreatariat in Abuja.

According to Ambassador Kalthum, also passionately aspateed to the abductors of IDPs and innocent women and children in Borno, Katsina and Kaduna to please peacefully release their hostages in the spirit of Ramadan and for the sake of Allah.

The Presdient of the foundation noted that the rising spate of this criminal enterprise can be attributed partly to the failing economic policies that have made life difficult for ordinary citizens and on the whole, sponsors who take advantage of the already porous security situation thereby aggravating it further. According to her, last year alone, over 4000 persons were abducted in various parts of the country.

The foundation laments the lack of effective law enforcement and weak deterrence mechanisms, coupled with widespread poverty, high unemployment rates, and escalating ethnic and religious tensions, further exacerbate the security landscape.

She said since the abduction of over 276 Chibok School Girls in 2014 by the Boko haram sect, abductions have become a common place in Nigeria and carried out not just by armed religious zealots, but criminal gangs.

Ambassador Kalthum stressed that these heinous acts not only disrupt the education system but also sow fear and anxiety among students, parents, and entire communities. It is disheartening to report that over 500 school children have fallen victim to these armed groups in various regions of the country.

The image of Nigeria in the international sphere continues to diminish as the international communityseese Nigeria as a state which has lost control of the security situation. 

The foundation implored the Nigerian government and the joint security council to overhaul their strategies and intensify efforts to break this vicious cycle of violence and lawlessness, noting that the time for decisive action is now.

The government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu must adopt proactive measures to address the root causes of insecurity, enhance law enforcement and intelligence capabilities, and bolster efforts to safeguard the lives and properties of all Nigerians. It is crucial that concrete steps be taken to restore peace and stability across the nation.

Moreover, we call for genuine international cooperation and support to combat terrorism and violent crime within Nigeria. In a globalized world, the fight against such threats transcends borders, necessitating a united front to eradicate these evils and restore peace to our communities.

The Kalthum Foundation for Peace, reiterated it commitment to promoting dialogue, understanding, and non-violent conflict resolution. "We stand in solidarity with the people of Nigeria, advocating for a future where security, prosperity, and harmony prevail.

"let us join hands in a collective effort to confront the challenges that beset our beloved country. Together, we can forge a path towards a more secure, peaceful, and prosperous Nigeria for generations to come", she added

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