Hardship: "Those Calling for Coup are Evil, Military will Protect Democracy" – CDS General Musa Reaffirms

The Chief of Defence Staff, CDS, General Christopher Gwabin Musa, has warned those calling for coup due to the current economic hardship in the country to desist from their evil plans.

General Musa warned that the law will come for those calling for a coup in the country over the current economic realities.

General Musa spoke when he visited Headqurters, 6 Division, as part his routine operational visit to the Niger Delta Region (NDR), where he commended the General Officer Commanding (GOC) the Division and personnel of the Division for the gaint strides achieved so far and after inaugurating the main entrance of the 6 Division, Nigerian Army and Officers Transit Accommodation, at the Division Headquarters in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. 

The Defence Chief assured of the Armed ForcesNigeria'sa is commitment towards the sustenance of democracy in Nigeria.

General Musa said: “Whoever is making that call (coup) does not love Nigeria. We want to make it very clear that the Armed Forces of Nigeria are here to protect democracy.

“We all want democracy and we do better under democracy. And so we will continue to support democracy. And any of those ones that are calling for anything other than democracy are evil people and I think they don’t mean well for Nigeria.

“And they should be very careful because the law will come after them. We can see that with democracy a lot of things are happening in Nigeria. Yes we are going through trying periods, I mean in life nothing is hundred per cent.”

General Musa said the Federal Government is focused on addressing the current economic challenges in the country and therefore appealed to Nigerians to exercise patience.

“Everybody goes through a trying period in life, and it is what you do with them. You can see the government putting efforts to ensure that we come out better.

“And it is when you go through difficulties and come out better you will really appreciate what it is to build a nation.

“And so we are going through our trying period, but I can assure Nigerians that it will get better,” he added.

The CDS also reiterated that a lot more needs to be done. In his words "We must stop criminals from criminalities they are commiting against the economy", adding that the Armed Forces of Nigeria under his watch has a mandate to provide security as well as ensure improvement in oil production as directed by the President and Commander-in-Chief. 

Therefore, he urged troops to ensure that in carrying out their responsibilties, they also respect the tradition, culture, and religion of the people. He thanked troops in the NDR for the good job they were doing but warned that no form of complacency would be tolerated. 

Earlier, the GOC and Land Component Commander, Joint Task Force, South South, Operation DELTA SAFE (OPDS), Major General Jamal Abdussalam thanked the CDS for the visit. He added that officers and soldiers of the Division were committed to safeguarding critical national infrastructure for the benefit of the nation. 

He further assured that troops of the Division would continue to carry out their statutory responsibilities in the most professional manner in line with the mandate of OPDS in the NDR. 

General Musa, on arrival, commissioned the newly reconstructed main entrance to Port Harcourt Barracks and the newly built officers' transit accomodation at the officers' quarters. He was particularly delighted with the level of infrastructural development witnessed in the barracks in the last couple of months.

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