MNJTF Hands Over Quick Impact Projects to Communities of Sector 3 - Monguno, Nigeria

The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) today 29 September 2023 handed over some projects to Monguno community of Borno State, Nigeria.

Military Public Information Officer - Ndjamena - Chad, Abubakar Abdullahi in a press statement disclosed that these projects include two blocks of classrooms at Gana Ali Primary School, a solar-powered borehole at Monguno Dispensary, and two manual boreholes, along with two rooms designated as a maternity and consultation area at the dispensary.

The projects were officially inaugurated and handed over to the community by Deputy Force Commander, Air Vice Marshal Yaya Mahamat.

Air Vice Marshal Mahamat who represented the Force Commander, Maj Gen Ibrahim Sallau Ali expressed his gratitude to COGINTA and the European Union for their contributions in facilitating these projects. 

He also called on the local residents to cooperate with the military and other security agencies in order to completely eradicate the remnants of terrorists in the region

In his remarks, the chairman Monguno Local Government, Alhaji Kyari Ibrahim expressed his appreciation to the MNJTF and pledged full support from the local authority for all operations aimed at restoring peace in the area. 

The completion of these projects represents a significant step toward improving education and healthcare facilities in Monguno, benefiting the community and ensuring a brighter future for its residents.

The MNJTF's commitment to developing infrastructure and providing essential services in communities affected by insurgency is a testament to their dedication and efforts towards creating a conducive environment for peace, reconciliation, and progress.

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