Army Trains Personnel on Use of Tares Mines Protective Vehicles For Superior Mobility During Operations

In a bid to aid the military fight against Insurgency the Headquarters Nigerian Army Corps of Supply and Transport has organised a 2-week intensive training for its personnel to effectively use the newly acquired Tares MPV Vehicles for operations. 

Declaring the workshop open the Chief of Training (Army), Maj.-Gen. Sani Muhammed, ably represented by Director of Training, Brigadier General Olushola Oyelola Diya, said the Nigerian Army NA has recently acquired some Tares Mines Protective Vehicles which will aid the military fight against Insurgency.

He enjoined all participants to take the training very seriously because they would be a trainer to train other drivers at their formations.

"I would expect that whatever you have gained in this training would go a long way to protect other personnel and to improve the NA as a whole. The new variant of the vehicle will protect the troops from IED attacks, and explosions during operations."

"One of the resource persons, Mr. Cedric Valentine from Altum Solutions trains Nigerian Army personnel on the composition of Tares MPV Vehicles, the Protection & Survivability and the use of MVP. 

"Crew Compartment: STANAG 4560-Level 2 (9.5mm 600BHN), 7.62x39mm at 30m, Gkg (explosive mass), Mine explosion pressure activated under any wheal, Mine explosion under centre, 155mm High explosion at 80m."

"It is a new kind of vehicle, advanced, smaller, faster and more powerful. 2 days of presentation and lectures and then there will be a practical session where the troops can learn what the vehicle is capable of, driving and the conditions," he noted

SpyeTV News reports on August 2023 how the Nigerian Army received a batch of vehicles from Saudi Arabia which is ERAF TARES MPV.

The vehicles were seen at Onne Port, Rivers State, Nigeria. It offers superior mobility in a wide range of terrain, and climatic conditions and it serves diverse roles in urban and peacekeeping operations.

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