UPDATED: MNJTF Handsover 46 Repentant Boko Haram to Chadian Authority

The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has taken a significant stride towards long-term peace in the region, with the Sector 2 MNJTF Commander, Major General Djouma Youssouf Mahamat Itno, overseeing the handover of 46 repentant Boko Haram members to Chadian authorities on August 26, 2023.

Military Public Information Officer - N'djamena- Chad Lt Col Abubakar Abdullahi in his  The handover took place in Bagasola, with the Minister of Public Service and Social Dialogue, Hon. Abdoulaye Mbodou Mbami, accepting the reformed insurgents on behalf of the Chadian government. This comes as part of a broader effort, spearheaded by MNJTF and regional authorities, to encourage all insurgents to lay down arms, repent, and contribute positively to societal growth.

In his remarks, Major General Itno strongly urged the remaining Boko Haram factions to follow the lead of their 46 compatriots and accept lasting peace. He further emphasized the crucial role of community leaders in raising awareness to counter and mitigate the violent extremism that fuels the insurgent ideology.

"The time is ripe for peace," Major General Itno noted, "And it begins with recognizing that we are stronger together. We implore community leaders to play their parts in driving this awareness. Together, we can root out the extremist ideologies and work towards lasting peace and stability."

The significant event was witnessed by several prominent dignitaries, including the Governor of Lac province, General Djibrine Ratou, the Prefect of the Department of Kaya, Hassane Abderamane, and traditional rulers

This hallmark handover signifies a potential turning point in the ongoing efforts to root out violent extremism from the region and underlines the MNJTF's unyielding determination to ensure long-lasting tranquillity.

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