"Provide Enhanced Training Modalities Across Formations" - Army Chief Charges Division Training Officers

The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Faruk Yahaya has charged Army Division Training officers to compare notes and come up with modalities to enhance training in their respective divisional training schools, that are consistent with the spirit of the vision of the Chief of Army Staff, which is “To Have a Professional Nigerian Army ready to accomplish assigned missions with a joint environment in defense of Nigeria”.

The Chief of Army Staff stated this in Jos, on 24th January 2023 at the headquarters 3 Division, Maxwell Khobe Cantonment auditorium, at the opening of the 2023 Division Training Officers Training Week.

The COAS, represented by the Deputy Chief Training Army Headquarters, Lt Gen Itsu Ndagi, stated that the 2023 training with the theme “Enhancing Training at Division Level for Better Operational Performance in a Joint Environment”.

He noted the training focuses on the need “to address the observed gaps in last years training activities, with a view to addressing this challenges and ensure consistency in training across all army formations for better operational performance.”

He said “The COAS therefore, considered it expedient to provide the forum at the beginning of each training year for division training officers to brainstorm and upgrade their skills to handle new dynamics of non-kinetic threats to the contemporary security environment”.

“The training week offers a unique opportunity to drive home the vision and its cardinal pillars which are professionalism, readiness sound administration and cooperation. The training week will also provide a platform for sharing experiences to enhance capacities to better carry out responsibilities as divisional training officers” Se stated.

The COAS said the training schools and the division training officers are critical components in the imp[limentation of the Nigerian army training policies and directives as such the training week will therefore provide a platform for division officers to understand the army’s expectations as it culminates to training and also share challenges with the army headquarters.

The Officer Commanding 3 Division and Commander of the Special Task Force Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH) in Jos, Plateau State, Major General Abdulsalami Bagudu Ibrahim, in his remarks, said the training was of utmost importance as such called on divisional training officers to take the training week very serious as it will anchor discussions on how all training will be conducted in the various army formations.

While appreciating the COAS and the Army headquarters Chief of Training, He noted that training across formations will be based on peculiar environments and threats, as such provides a good opportunity for divisional training officers to brainstorm and share ideas.

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