Military Airstrikes Kill 3 Boko Haram Terrorists Commanders, 30 Others in Sambisa Forest

Multiple airstrikes by two Nigerian Air Force, NAF, Super Tukano jets, have killed a total of 30 Boko Haram terrorists including three Commanders in Sambisa Forest.

The terrorists were neutralised on January 1, after the NAF Jet rain bombs in four camps of the terrorists which included; Bula Jitoye, Halka Kojoye and Halka Alai, Bulamaye in Bama Local Government Area.

According to a Counter Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in the Lake Chad, Zagazola Makama has released 2mins 50 seconds video where the Boko Haram fighters were seen on motorbikes, burning makeshift houses and vehicles and killing few members members of the ISWAP. 

This was in last than 24hours, after another intense attacks between rival factions of ISWAP and Boko Haram broken that lasted 14hours at TOUMBUN ALLURA and KANGAR areas.

The deadly rival attacks titled "battle of vengeance" was spearheaded by Ali Ngulde in company of other top commanders comprising of Abu Nazir, Muke, Ba'a Isa, and Mallam Abubakar.

The sources said that the coordinated joint air and ground offensive, came barely hours after the terrorists deadly clashes within the general area. 

The sources noted that One of Commanders simply referred to as Captain or Medical Doctor was killed by the airstrikes in the camp of Bula Jitoye.

He also noted that the two others, (names yet to be comfirmed) were killed in Halka Kojoye and Halka Alai. 

The sources said that one of the terrorists was heard in an intercepted communication, saying that "We are killing the ISWAP and seizing all their weapons. But our major problem is that the jets are killing us too.

"On January 1, 2022, We lost about 30 fighters including 3 of our commanders; Even Doctor was killed in the strikes. We want to fight them but we are afraid of the jet,"said one of the insurgents. 

The Nigerian military has continued to record degrees of success in all theatres of operations across the country. 

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