Effective Road Traffic Management, Safety Crucial to Nations Security - General Chinade

The General Officer Commanding (GOC) 2 Division Nigerian Army, Major General Aminu Chinade, has pointed out that effective road traffic management and safety are crucial to the nation’s security and development.

Major General Chinade stated this when the Executive Chairman and Director General of the Oyo State Road Traffic Management Authority, Magaji Alabi Fagbemi and his team paid a courtesy call to the GOC in his office.

The GOC, while commending the Executive Chairman and his team for a visit, noted that it would further cement the existing cordial relationship between the Agency and the Division, especially in road traffic management and security.

He observed that if the already established collaboration and symbolic relationship among the different security and paramilitary agencies were adequately harnessed, about eighty per cent of the security threats would have been solved.

Major General Chinade assured the management of the agency of the Divisions assistance, as well as sought closer relationships and collaborations beyond traffic and road management.

Earlier, the Executive Chairman / Director General Oyo State Road Traffic Management Authority, Magaji Alabi Fagbemi, said the visit is necessitated considering the long-existing relationship between the agency, 2 Division and the Nigerian Army at large.

The Executive Chairman revealed that the agency, apart from traffic and obstruction control within the state, also provide credible intelligence report to the security agencies and vigilance within Oyo State. He seeks more synergy between the agency and the Division in traffic control, management, training and recreation.

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