8 Reasons Why The Corrupt Candidate Will Win Nigeria’ s 2015 Presidential Election By Etcetera

Article written by singer Etcetera
Call me whatever you want after seeing my headline, but I
very well know that within you, there is an awareness that the
corrupt candidate will win in today’s election, not the
candidate who lives by said morals. I have eight reasons for
saying so.

1. Because every voter in Nigeria has his/her own hypothetical
belief that most politicians are corrupt and there is very little
an idealist politician can do to reform the system. So what
difference would it make anyway, even if an idealist manages
to win?
2. Because the administrative system in Nigeria is outdated
when it comes to having a decentralised system for any public
information and this allows corrupt politicians to play their
game with much ease. It means, rigging is sure to happen
3. The corrupt politician knows how to get votes from the poor –
by gratitude. He gives you what is yours by right, and collects
your votes in return. Like the insignificant reduction in
petroleum pump price.
4. The corrupt politicians fit well to complete the vicious circle of
our democracy. Didn’t you all notice that in the campaign for
today’s election, top business and media conglomerates in the
country made gargantuan financial contributions to the
campaign of one of the candidates, and in return, they are
assured of his assistance to win their corporate game?
5. Politics in Nigeria works significantly on the idea of personal
interest first before anything else, while unregulated power and
immunity clauses have made corruption an addiction for the
6. As a country, Nigeria is suffering from the lack of good/sincere
men, which fundamentally increases the probability of corrupt
men hanging onto power.
7. Given the current economic stats and a stagnant GDP growth
rate, Nigeria does not have enough resources to fulfill the
demands of a future society which makes it rather hard for the
corruption to go anytime sooner. It is a significant problem
and the problem is only going to get worse, and the social
differences highlighted in the runoff of today’s election won’t
help matters.
8. Corruption in Nigeria works like an organised crime – where
profits are justly divided among the partakers and members of
our dead police force do not only fail to fight it but rather take
part in it and their excuse have always been their low salaries.
Mark my words here, whoever wins today’s election,
corruption remains the same. Our national food is bribe and
we really enjoy eating it.

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