Describing homosexuality as a “sickness”, Reverend Prof Emmanuel Martey said, even though same-sex relationships are “filthy, un-African and un-biblical”, no one had the right to pronounce instant justice or arbitrary death penalty on self-confessed gays.
“…If somebody confesses to be a homosexual or somebody comes out of the closet, as they say, that doesn’t mean that the person should be lynched; that doesn’t mean that the person should be killed. We are not in the jungle”, he admonished.
Rev Martey said gays, just as witches, are “sick” people who need healing not killing.
“…Witchcraft is a sickness and homosexuality is also a sickness and you help the sick person to get healed so why should you rather kill”, he wondered.
“…I am against homosexuality but that doesn’t mean that homosexuals should be lynched or should be maltreated; no that is not what the Bible teaches”, the Presby Moderator told Joy FM in Ghana today