Nigeria's Defence Chief, General Musa Congratulates OSMA President, Maikano Abdullahi, 26 Chief Delegates and Delegates, Announces Sports Recovery Programme for Wounded Soldiers

In keeping with the elements of nurturing, people centrism and collaboration in the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Gwabin Musa's Leadership Concept, the Armed Forces of Nigeria have started a Sports Recovery Programme through the Invictus Games Foundation for all Wounded, Injured and Sick soldiers to manage Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

General Musa announced this today,  1st March 2024 while Congratulating OSMA President, Maj General Maikano Abdullahi, 26 Chief Delegates and Delegates for the success of the 8th Organization of Military Sports in Africa's (OSMA) General Assembly Abuja 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria. 

According to General Musa, based on Sports Recovery Programme through the Invictus Games Foundation, the Nigerian military is gradually observing positive behavioural and mental changes among those involved or influenced through the medium ofsports. 

"Since my assumption ofoffice as the Chief of Defence Staffof the Armed Forces of Nigeria, I found sports as one of the veritable tools in our non-kinetic efforts in tackling the multidimensional threats in our dear Country. 

"Further to that, I also envisioned that the promotion of sports is a vital medium to enhance unity and cooperation among members of the Armed Forces, our families and the general populace as enshrined in my Leadership Concept with focus on a people centric approach."he said

He noted that it is the desire of the Armed Forces of Nigeria under his watch, to restore these glorious days by using the platforms provided by the OSMA and Council of International Militmy Sports (CISM) sporting competitions as well as the Olympics, Commonwealth, All African Games and the Invictus games respectively.

The CDS thanked the Chief delegates and everyone that made historical feat a reality. "My admonition for those our sports men and women honoured today, is to remain positive and not to rest on their oars. You should note that it is hard to become a champion, but harder to maintain or retain your championship status. 

"I am aware that the participating countries in this year's OSMA General Assembly Abuja 2024 had inclusive deliberations and elections that re-elected our own Maj Gen A Maikano to continue as the OSMA President for another Term. 

At the closing ceremony, the OSMA Secretary, Captain Frégate DJENDOLA Pierre presented the communique of the 8th General Assembly of the Organization of Military Sports in Africa (OSMA) which was held from February 24th  to March 3rd  2024 in Abuja - Nigeria, under the High Patronage of His Excellency Mr. BOLA Ahmed Tinubu, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

"The opening ceremony was presided over by Mr. Mohammed Badaru Abubakar, Minister of Defense of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

"Major General MAIKANO Abdullahi (Nigeria), President of OSMA and CISM Vice-President for Africa, chaired the meeting.

Chief Delegates and delegates from twenty-six member countries took part in the proceedings. They were:

1. South Africa

2. Algeria 

3. Botswana

4. Burkina Faso

5. Cameroon

6. Republic of Congo  

7. Democratic Republic of Congo 

8. Cote d’Ivoire

9. Eritrea 

10. Ghana

11. Guinée Equatoriale

12. Republic of Guinea  

13. Kenya

14. Libya

15. Malawi

16. Mali 

17. Morocco

18. Mauritania

19. Nigeria

20. Uganda

21. South Sudan

22. Chad

23. Tanzania

24. Tunisia 

25. Zambia

26. Zimbabwe

27. Major General MAIKANO Abdullahi,(Nigeria) OSMA President and CISM Vice President for Africa.

28. Capitaine de Frégate DJENDOLA Pierre (Cameroon), OSMA Secretary General 

29. Brigadier General Brahima DIABATE (Mali), OSMA Treasurer

30. Colonel Dorah MAMBY KOITA (Guinea), CISM/OSMA Ambassador

31. Colonel Nilton Rolin (Brazil), CISM President

32. Navy Capt Roberto Recchia (Italy), CISM Secretary General

33. Colonel Joseph Bakari (Tanzania), CISM Solidarity Plan Director.    

Colonel Nilton Rolin (Brazil), President of the International Military Sports Council (CISM), thanked the high political and military authorities of Nigeria for having accepted to organize this statutory meeting, and praised the spirit of African solidarity that had prevailed throughout the proceedings.

He asked the Chief Delegates to have a strategic vision for better planning of activities within the continent.  This will also require good representation of Africans in CISM's decision-making bodies.

Navy Capt Roberto Recchia (Italy), CISM Secretary General gave an overview of the situation regarding the annual dues of African countries.

Colonel Joseph Bakary (Tanzania), in his role as African representative at CISM headquarters in Brussels, gave a general report on CISM activities, and in particular on the financial situation of African countries and their participation in CISM activities.

To ensure better representation of Africans in CISM activities, he called on Chief Delegates to apply for the various vacant positions, and urged African countries to take part in the CISM General Assembly in Tanzania in May 2024.

The Chief Delegates acknowledged the presentation by Colonel Dorah MAMBY KOITA (Guinea Rep), CISM/OSMA Ambassador, on the history of OSMA from its creation to the present day, which will be included in the OSMA digital library. 

The General Assembly also took note of all the recommendations.

At the end of the deliberations, Chief Delegates and delegates present at the meeting took the following resolutions:

1. Adoption of the OSMA President's activity report.

2. Adoption of the OSMA Secretary General's activity report,

3. Adoption of the OSMA Treasurer General's financial report,

4. Adoption of the OSMA 2024 and 2025 budgets,

5. Reminded member countries of their obligation to pay regular annual dues to OSMA and CISM,

6. Unanimously adopted the OSMA 2024 statutes,

7. Relocation of the OSMA Liaison Office for East Africa from Burundi to Kenya,

8. Various liaison office representatives reported on the operation of their respective liaison offices,

9. In order to revitalize the liaison offices, the general assembly adopted the organization of liaison office meetings on the sideline of each OSMA general assembly and congress, as well as the organization of sporting events at their respective levels,

10. Colonel Major Abderraouf Mokaddem (Tunisia) and Brigadier General Lorato Baakile (Botswana) were appointed Chairman and member of the OSMA Electoral Commission respectively,

11. Major General Abdullahi Maikano (Nigeria) was unanimously re-elected by all Chief Delegates and delegates  as OSMA President and CISM Vice President for Africa  for another four (04) year term (2024-2028),

12. Brigadier General Brahima DIABATE (Mali) was unanimously re-elected by all Chief Delegates and delegates as OSMA Treasurer General for another four (04) year term (2024-2028),                                                                                                                                                             

13. To create awareness of CISM and OSMA, the chief delegates requested that the presidents of CISM and OSMA pay courtesy calls on the political and military authorities of member countries,

14. To enhance OSMA's international status, the President urges member countries to second more foreign military personnel to the headquarters in Yaounde, Cameroon, 

15. Morocco confirmed the organization of the 6th edition of the African Military Boxing Championship (CAMBOXE) from June 30th  to July 07th , 2024 in Rabat,

16. Nigeria has confirmed the organization of the 2nd edition of the African Military Games (AMG) in Abuja in November 2024,

17. The Democratic Republic of Congo has confirmed the organization of the 1st edition of the Solidarity Games for Peace of the countries of the Great Lakes region in 2024,

18. The Republic of Zimbabwe has confirmed the organization of the 1st edition of the World Military Golf Championship from June 16th  to 23rd, 2024 at Elephant Hills Golf Course Victoria Falls, 

19. Designation of the Republic of Guinea to organize the 2nd edition of the African Military Basketball Championship (CAMBASKET) in 2025, 

20. Designation of Angola to organize the 1st edition of the African Military Volleyball Championship (CAMVOLLEY) in 2026,

21. Designation of the Republic of Ghana to host the next meeting of the OSMA Board of Directors in 2025,

22. Designation of the Republic of South Sudan to host the next OSMA General Assembly and Congress in 2026,

23. within the context of participation in the Women's World Military Football Championship, interested countries are invited to send their participation agreement to the OSMA General Secretariat as soon as possible,

24. Major General MAIKANO Abdullahi (Nigeria), OSMA President and CISM Vice-President for Africa, thanked all the Chief Delegates and delegates for their multi-faceted support towards his election. He also congratulated the members for their active participation in the proceedings, and urged them to attend the next CISM General Assembly in Tanzania in May 2024,

25. Brigadier General Brahima DIABATE (Mali), General Treasurer of OSMA, also thanked all the Chief Delegates for the confidence placed in him, by granting him a second mandate of 04 years.

26. The Chief Delegates thanked Air Vice Marshall AT Marquis, Nigerian Chief Delegate, and all his staff for their involvement and commitment to the success of this important statutory meeting,

27. The Chief Delegates expressed their gratitude and appreciation to General CG Musa, Chief of Defence Staff of the Nigerian Armed Forces, for his constant support to OSMA activities,

28. The Chief Delegates expressed their deep gratitude to His Excellency Mr Bola Ahmed TINUBU, President of the Federal Republic and Commander in Chief of Nigerian Armed Forces, for his high solicitude towards the organization of this Statutory Assembly. 

The meeting ended at 8 pm in a convivial and fraternal atmosphere. Done in Abuja on the 28 February 2024

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