NACSCOC 2024: Army Coaches and Sportsmen Complete a 2-Day Clinic With Invaluable Insights to Achieve Success in Future Combat Sporting Events

The Directorate of Army Physical Training has concluded their 2-day training on building capacity of the Nigerian Army coaches and sportsmen in combat events on modern fighting and scoring techniques, which engender excellence in national and international combat sports competitions.

The Nigerian Army Combat Sports Coaching and Officiating Clinic 2024 according to Chief of Training COT (Army) Maj Gen SG Muhammad Ably represented by the Deputy Chief of Training COT (Army) Training and Exercise, Maj Gen Musa Etsundagi has enhanced the Professional Capacity of all participants and consolidated the collective achievements recorded during the Maiden Edition of said Clinic in 2023. 

He congratulates the participants of the Nigerian Army Combat Sport Coaching and offciating clinic for the two days training.

"Please note that you are now better informed of the techniques needed for coaching and off shooting skills in combat sports. Wherever you find yourself I am confident that you will always bring to bear the knowledge acquired here. You will be assessed by your superiors and observe subordinate through your actions or inactions, therefore your conduct on and off duty when in your various units and command must remain exemplary and indeed commendable."

He thanked the Chief of Army Staff,  Lt General Taoreed Lagbaja for his own ending supports at ensuring that all the necessary tools and logistics for training are made available.

He also thanked the resource persons from the Abuja Sports Council for finding time to train the participants despites that pressing commitments at their places of work. He commended the directors of Army physical training team for their efforts in ensuring a seamless workshop.

The Chairman Central Organizing Committee for the NACSCOC 2024, LT Col Pharuk Muhammad in his vote of thanks affirmed that the Clinic has also enlightened participants, theoretically and practically on recently amended technical guidelines crucial for victory in their respective combat events. For the past two days or there about, we have been privileged to have renowned resource persons deliver several lectures and other training packages on the various selected combat events.

Notably, the Clinic Chronicled salient presentations, lectures, demonstrations and practical sessions that have equipped all participants with invaluable insights to achieve success in future combat sporting events. 

"We sincerely appreciate our esteemed resource persons for providing appropriate responses to questions and contributions during the Clinics interactive sessions. It is Unequivocal to state that we have benefitted tremendously from your wealth of experience and Knowledge. We guarantee you that the Knowledge acquired from this Clinic would give us lucid insight to attain superior advantage in future national and International Combat Sports Competitions. " he added

Dignitries at the closing event of the Nigerian Army Combined Combat Sports Coaching and Officiating Clinic 2024 include the President of Organizations Military Sport in Africa OSMA, Maj General Maikano Abdullahi, Chief of Training COT (Army) Maj Gen SG Muhammad Ably represented by the Deputy Chief of Training COT (Army) Training and Exercise, Maj Gen MA Etsundagi, Chief Host, The Acting Director of Physical Training FT(A), Brig Gen Abdulr Bello,  resource persons from Abuja Sports Council. 

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