Naval Chief Warns Officers Against Any Act of Collusion with Criminals

The Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Awaal Gambo has warned that any act of collusion with criminals or sabotage of measures emplaced to checkmate illegalities in the sea or oil sector will be met with stiff sanctions.

Gambo gave the warning at the decoration of newly promoted Rear Admirals (2-Star Generals) who were recently promoted in Abuja.

According to the naval Chief, “The ceremony today, which is the crowning glory of your hard work, dedication and loyalty to the Service and by extension the nation is no mean feat. I therefore congratulate you for being among the selected few that made it to this enviable rank. 

Note that while it takes hard work to reach a glorious height, it takes harder work to remain up there. I therefore unreservedly congratulate each of you and urge you to justify the confidence of a proud and deserving nation.

“Notably, the Year 2022 has witnessed significant disruption in all facet of our national lives with the Armed Forces now more than ever required to play more significant roles to ensure security and prosperity of our dear nation. 

Consequently, the Nigerian Navy and the nation require you to be more dedicated and display unalloyed loyalty to the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria in order to address the security challenges confronting our dear nation.

“Your ingenuity, resourcefulness and integrity will be required as very senior officers to reposition the Service in order to discharge its constitutional mandate for the security and economic prosperity of our great nation.

“The Navy in collaboration with other security agencies have continuously strived to protect the economic mainstay of the country through various operations to counter illegal oil bunkering and crude oil theft. While there are significant achievements, which must be sustained, there are pockets of personnel still colluding with criminals to sabotage these efforts.

“Let me therefore, warn that any act of collusion with criminals or sabotage of measures emplaced to checkmate illegalities will be met with stiff sanctions in accordance with the law. Note that as leaders of the Service, you are expected to be above board and ensure that your subordinates equally buy into the zero-tolerance stance of the Nigerian Navy against all forms of illegalities and criminalities at sea and ashore.

“I must add that today’s ceremony particularly resonates deeply with the Nigerian Navy, as it provides a special opportunity to acknowledge the enormous support availed the Service by, Federal Government. Such encouragement has bolstered gains in critical areas like fleet renewal, infrastructural and manpower developments, which have impacted positively on operations and the nation’s Strategic posture at sea.

“I therefore avail myself this opportunity to reaffirm the loyalty of the entire officers, ratings and staff of the Nigerian Navy to Mr President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Muhammadu Buhari Grand Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic for his unrelenting support, which has enabled the Nigerian Navy to deliver a safe, secure and stable maritime environment for the prosperity of Nigeria.

“I want to use this opportunity to congratulate your families, especially your spouses, for being the pillar of support to enable you to come this far. On a final note, I thank the Chief of Defence Staff for finding time to be with us today and for his continued support.”

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